Daughters of Penelope Paris *

 Actions since its creation


October 2018: Support of the renovation project of the historic landmark, the Fondation Hellénique, which was founded in 1932, and is situated in the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris.

The Daughters of Penelope Paris supported the campaign “Une chambre à votre nom” and partly financed the renovation of a student room. The restoration of this building has an architectural and cultural importance. The Fondation Hellénique is an architectural sightseeing venue located in Paris’s Cité Internationale.


February 2019: Professor’s George Dertilis Conference 

“War and Peace, Greece and Turkey: Pax Britannica (19th century) and Pax Americana (20th century)”, held at the Cercle Suédois in Paris. 


May 2020: Donation to the Saskatoon French School (Canada) for the purchase of school books for classroom libraries. 


May 2020: Donation of linens to the Communauté Hellénique in Paris in order to make masks.




May 2020: 400 Greek pastries, offered by the traiteur, Mavrommatis, were given to the medical staff of the Emergency Ward and Intensive Care Unit as well as other units of the Robert Debré Hospital in Paris, which is the biggest pediatric hospital in France.



May 2020: Organization of an online fundraiser with the purchase of 11,000 surgical masks.


June 2020: 200 macarons, offered by Pierre Hermé, were given to the medical staff of the Emergency Ward and Intensive Care Unit of the Robert Debré Hospital in Paris.



July 2020:  Daughter of Penelope Paris took the initiative of having the song, SAVING THE WORLD, composed by the artist Monika, to be recorded at the Acropolis in Athens as a tribute to the heroes of Covid-19 and as a way of supporting the health sector in Greece (i.e., hospitals and medical centres).  

We aim to support the the University General Hospital of Alexandroupolis, Greece.


December 2020:   Delivery of 11,000 surgical masks which were bought from funds raised with donations via the Leetchi online fundraiser


December 2020:  1,000 masks were given to the Communauté Hellénique in Paris


December 2020:  2,000 masks were given to the Greek Students Dormitory at  (92) Chatenay-Malabry to help protect its 80 students  and the students of the Greek School.


December 2020:  2,400 masks were donated to the residents and the personnel of the Hippocrates Residence Retirement Home (EPHAD) located at Chatenay-Malabry (92).


December 2020:  300 masks were offered to the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Stephan (Paris)


December 2020:  300 masks were given to Saints Constantine and Helen Church (Paris)


February 2021:  Collection of clothes destined for Melissa, the orphanage for young girls, which is located in Thessaloniki, Greece. 14 boxes in total were delivered to the orphanage.


March 2021:  Webinar organized in conjunction with the other European chapters of Daughters of Penelope (ie, Stuttgart, London, Brussels and Vienna) in celebration of International Women’s Day.


March 2021:  Re-opening of the Fondation Hellénique after major renovations of its 80 rooms.

DOP Paris along with AHEPA Victor Hugo jointly contributed to the campaign “Une chambre à votre nom”.


March 2021:  2,000 masks were donated to the students at the Fondation Hellénique.


April 2021:  Books and school supplies were collected and delivered to the charity “Ark of the World” in Athens, Greece.


April 2021:  Books and non-perishable food items were collected and delivered to the non-profit child welfare organization “The Smile of the Child” in Maroussi, Athens, Greece.



*Daughters of Penelope Paris was formerly named AHEPA-SECTION PARIS-PHAETUSE